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Join with our church family to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24 at 6:00 PM in our sanctuary for a traditional service of Scripture lessons and Christmas carols. This is a wonderfully poignant way to celebrate the birth of our Savior and ponder the genuine meaning of Christ’s birth. The Deacons have invited Pastor Nestor Gomez and members of the First Congregational Church of Stamford to join us, since they no longer own a building for their worship services. One uplifting feature of our Christmas Eve tradition is for our “home-grown” instrumentalists to perform in an ensemble for the postlude. If you play an instrument, even if you are still a beginner, contact Lisa Edele after worship to offer your talents in tribute to Jesus. Recipients, past and present, of our church’s college scholarship fund will be the readers for our evening of reading Bible lessons and singing carols. Our offering at this Christmas eve service will be divided equally between a local charity (that the Missions Committee will select) and the United Church of Christ Veterans of the Cross collection. The Veterans of the Cross helps to provide pension and health premium supplements to low-income retired clergy within our denomination, emergency assistance to clergy families in need, and Christmas “Thank You” checks to 400 retired church workers.

December 22

Bible Study

December 24

Live Zoom Video Service